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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Stranger with memories..

It's been a while

Still heart-broken

I still can't believe it's really happen

Because I were different...

but this times..she is stronger

Is it good or bad..I've no idea

How's u and AXxXx

U two happy together..

How are you..I miss you..

Such an ass why I still miss you..

Because nobody has ever treat me so good before

There is nothing right or wrong when there is break ups

Or you have to admit that both of you have wrong

I'm too sensitive and insecure

That's why I m not suitable for relationship

It's the third and I'm still sensitive and insecure as fk

It's time to change

Charlotte, Just learn and grow everyday..

You know that..

only that one person

that can make you feel that the hug is so silent and safe

until all you think that you dun't want anything

And this is enough

Do you feel that too..

Do you..

When people grows

They hold it inside more

They pretend more


and is it good or bad

I don't know

But that's me now

I learn to hold and pretend nothing happen

And I feel nothing

Is it because this world is too cruel 

thus makes you turns into person like this?


P/s: T:Christmas is coming

How you gonna celebrate:)

Guess you will always on my mind..

Bottom of my heart..

 Baby I've been I've been losing sleep..

Dreaming about the things that we could be.....

Good night XX